Saturday, January 2, 2010

Freeing up space on my mac

My mac fills up. And fills up. and fills up. I'm totally out of space. I have a 500GB time machine. maxed out. I have a 1TB external USB on the time machine. 71 GB free. (and it's not porn, nor illegal crap, so move on - nothing to see here)

anyways. when I'm searching for space ( as I was today - Toast titanium was writing a video to disk and ran out of encoding space). I have trouble 'getting to the heart of it' and 'finding easy wins'. I needed a utility. 

I had this problem so often that a little while ago I investigated utilities to help solve the 'find the missing disk space' problem. I can report that I have settled on OmniDiskSweeper

It's not that pretty. In fact it's ugly. But you know what? I used to use XTRee and file commander and all those thingos back in the good old dos days and with this problem (finding disk space) a text list is good enough. The way omni have used the column layout (ala finder) also works for me (or should I say ala nextstep but thats another story. BTW if you have a black cube next box for sale email me. NOW.). I digress. 

You start the app up and it scans the top level directories to find those with the most disk space used. It then resorts. and keeps finding and resorts etc. you select a directory (/Users is good) and you see the disk space (highest space first). You click on the highest and it calculates and sorts etc. pretty soon you see where the disk space is. You get there pretty quickly. and then you do other things.  so, I like it - it's a quick way of getting there.

Now that we're there what to do? one of the big culprits was ITunes and podcasts. several gig.   Not good. how to archive podcasts? and does itunes keep track of it? I'm paranoid so I have copied the podcasts out of itunes to a backup location and put them onto the 1TB disk. THEN i have removed them from itunes so itunes keeps itself in shape. If there's a better way let me know. 

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